Friday, June 15, 2007

Daily Paraphernalia 15/06/2007

Today started out with me being woken up early….AGAIN, but this time by my mother. And the reason being that, yeah, I had to go out again. This time I went to this thing where they were showing a video called Case For The Creator. It was basically trying to show the existence of God through scientific evidence. It was pretty interesting and maybe I’ll blog on this in greater detail soon. Anyway, there was a pizza lunch there, with pizzas from Pizza Inn, and after a long time, I ate some really tasty pizza! :D Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! and I also met this Filipino-American dude Ivan, who's doing pre-med at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Good luck to him.

The afternoon was then divided between reading Eldest and my favourite and most time-consuming pastime- staying online! :p I would’ve gone off early had it not been for someone who simply wanted to bug me! I then had to vacuum the whole house in the evening and the resulting tiredness forced me to take a nap from about 6:30 to about 8:45, awaking just in time for dinner! Yeah. that's right, I was FORCED to sleep, aight? No further questions and doubts about that ok?!!

You know, it’s weird to sit here at 9:20 PM, and realize you’ve not even been awake for 12 hours! Btw, Happy Birthday to Arjun pal from those (expletive deleted) P.C. Thomas classes.

This blogging thing is pretty good, and I’ve got some topics to write about in the coming days!

Take care, people!

P.S: The last line………REALLY makes me feel like Frasier Crane addressing his audience on his radio show.

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